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We’re now at the most critical point in the history of e and distance learning. What we thought would take decades has happened in just a few months - students and teachers around the globe are harnessing the power of technology to make education more accessible, more equitable and more engaging. If there's any silver lining to the tumult of the past year, it's that learning is going through a necessary revolution -- finally catching up with the digital age and leveraging technology to keep students, educators and parents connected, in spite of the geographic distance. 

Learning is no longer tethered to the traditional classroom environment. Across the globe, classrooms are becoming more dynamic, education is becoming more digital, and learning is (finally) becoming more individualized. Students of all ages can learn from anywhere in the world, regardless of whether they're on their smart phone, tablet or laptop.

COVID-19 and the resulting urgency to keep kids learning through the pandemic has amplifed the importance of improving the quality of distance learning for the benefit of both students and educators. We're happy to meet this pivotal moment in education with resources and training to Make Vitural Classrooms More Accessible, Equitable, and Enagaging.

© 2021 by eEducational Advantage. 

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